OAZO AIR is part of the first Bijlmer artist initiative and not-for-profit organisation Stichting Open Ateliers Zuidoost that was founded in 1993 and by now accommodates more than fifty local artists. OAZO AIR invites artists working in one or more artistic disciplines from all over the globe to live and work temporarily in a lively, productive and creative environment in between the studios of several local artists in the monumental heart of the Bijlmermeer area in Amsterdam. A residency can be used for a project, research and/or creating new work. To create an interesting AIR, for resident as well as local artists, OAZO AIR is flexible in its programming and provides a format for as many (art) forms and shapes as possible. Practically a residency at OAZO AIR lasts between six weeks and three months and is based on a space grant, i.e. residents have a studio apartment at their disposal for free, but have to take care of living, travel and production costs themselves. The working space is approximately 2,80m by 7,60m and 2,30m high with one large window.
All residents are offered full and free use of all accommodation, living as well as working facilities, an introduction programme that is open to public and promotional activity for public activities surrounding the residency such as exhibitions, seminars and performances. In return we expect residents to participate in the introduction programme and public activities of OAZO, and while open-ended process is more important to us than a final product “soft” results are expected, e.g. artistic research, visible learning/knowledge or new set of mind. We assume that the work done during the residency will at some point culminate in an event, exhibition, presentation or publication and expect that this will be shared with OAZO AIR.